mesothelioma information
Mesothelioma Information
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that attacks the inner lininng of internal organs called the mesothelium. In 1960, a connection was shown between occupational exposure to asbestos and mesothelioma. Click here for more information about asbestos
The symptoms of this cancer are normally very general ranging from coughing, shortness of breath and lower back and chest pains. Only a doctor performing medical tests like a biopsy can make an accurate diagnosis. Visit here to learn more about how doctors handle this cancer.
There is currently no cure for mesothelioma, but thre are several different treatments ranging from surgery to radiation to chemotherapy. Recently a new medication called Altima received FDA approval in the United States. Click here for specific treatments.
Since mesothelioma is caused by preventable occupational exposure to asbestos, some patients file lawsuite to help with medical expenses and to ensure that others will not have to be exposed to asbestos as they were exposed to it. Most of these lawsuits have been brought up agianst the building and manufacturing industries
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